Ultimate Guide to Purchasing a Shower Enclosure
Shower enclosures are regarded as a worthwhile investment for any home. Not only will it be there in your home for you to use for the next 10 years or so but when you come to sell it will be regarded as a unique selling point. Therefore, when purchasing a shower enclosure you need to be armed with the right advice so you can get the best out of both the enclosure and your bathroom catering all your needs.
Height Shape and Size
Shower enclosures come readily available in all different shapes, sizes and heights. When choosing an enclosure look at the shape of your bathroom, the space you require and the positioning you want your new shower enclosure in. You can then decide on the shape which either comes as a square, rectangle quadrant or oblong. How far the shower enclosure protrudes from the wall is pretty much your decision, but don't try and cram one into you bathroom leaving you no space to maneuver. In terms of the height this is your choice. However, this height may also depend on the height of your ceilings.
The positioning of your enclosure is vital for your bathroom. Depending on the size of your bathroom you can either lose space or gain space. By installing the new enclosure in the same location as the old bath or cubicle, you could potentially save yourself time and money. However, you need to gauge whether the old location is suitable or would the new enclosure look better somewhere else. Remember, you have to live with it for the next 10 years so making the right choice is critical.
Shower Trays
When you are selecting your enclosure you will be opting for either a walk in shower enclosure which requires no shower tray or an enclosure that requires a tray. A shower tray is probably as important as an enclosure and often people decide to build an enclosure around the shower tray they have selected. However, it is up to you what type of enclosure and shower tray you choose, just remember that they need to fit together correctly otherwise they will leak.
When tiling in and around your enclosure it is vital that the tiles are laid on the walls before the enclosure is installed in that area of the bathroom. This will make your job a lot easier as you do not have to cut the tile into the enclosure or struggle to work within. Sealing the tiles is also key and it is much easier to do when an enclosure is not present.
Shower Enclosures and shower doors are available from AQUAPAT SHOWERS online store. For a full selection of square, quadrant, rectangular, three sided and frameless shower enclosures please visit https://www.aquapatshowers.com